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Doomsday scenario for Japan: A new Fukushima would evacuate 30 million people

The Japanese government considered after the earthquake of 11 March, and a scenario that provide evacuation of about 30 million people living within a radius of 200-250 km around the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, said former Prime Minister Naoto Kan, quoted by CNN.Evacuation area would be covered and the capital Tokyo and its surroundings, and the Japanese government feared that such a scenario likely to cause chaos, Naoto Kan said in an interview with Kyodo."I was not sure that Japan will continue to operate as a state," he said.Kan added that Japan was not prepared for the disaster caused by earthquake of magnitude 9, which was followed by a devastating tsunami. "I never laid a situation occurring simultaneously an earthquake, a tsunami and a nuclear accident," said former Japanese prime minister.Naoto Kan resigned in August, after being criticized for how to handle the situation caused by the earthquake, and its popularity has declined significantly.In early September, more than 75,000 people evacuated from an area 20 km radius around nuclear power plant in Fukushima still had not received permission to return to their homes because of high levels of radioactivity in the area.
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