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The man with 50 children. Wives and offspring were given 34, sister 15, and mother-- one

Brazilian Luiz de Oliveira Costa, aged 90 years, has a life worthy of a movie: the father of 50 children born to four different women, but survivors said the number could be much higher.He had 17 children by his first wife and after her death, she married and had all 17 children, with the second wife.During the second marriage, he cheated on his wife with her sister. His sister bore him 15 children and even the human mother gave birth to a successor.Says the man could have more children, because he had many adventures, from a very simple reason: loves women.Currently, Luiz de Oliveira Costa has more than 100 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren, which is very proud, though, says he does not know the names of all.Man's wife and sister say that the secret of Luiz is against women's tenderness and care in dealing with family, providing them with all comfort. They are not at all disturbed by the conqueror's reputation.
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