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Sexual fantasies of directors at Microsoft: Flashes of genes often!

Microsoft is accused of a company is only for men. After a directory in the UK has been discriminated against in ties with obtaining a high position in the company several men sexually harassed a colleague or subordinate party firm, subject to a process incident.Natalie Ayres went step by step in the hierarchy of Microsoft for 15 years until 2006 when the station manager of the UK was vacant and it is understood that it will take, writes The Telegraph. But, through all stages before the interview, Natalie has been removed from the race, the station is occupied by a man, Gordon Frazer, Microsoft's director in South Africa. The director, whose competent actions were fully recognized in the company, he left Microsoft at the end of that year, it seems more than a million pounds in compensation. Although he declined to comment on his departure from Microsoft, the company's employees have raised the issue of professional ascension "in a man's world". "The only way you can get past a certain point is to become a man dressed as a woman," said one of Microsoft employees. Microsoft's sexist scandal widened after Emma Cloney, a former employee, was harassed at a party in Atlanta flooded the company with plenty of vodka and Jagermeister by two directors, or married men. She had to ask for help to get rid of the two men. Together with other employees who had suffered from inadequate compotamentului men Cloney Emma opened a process claim for damages of ten million pounds. In Atlanta it seems to have been crazy for men from Microsoft, out of control. One of the directors of vomiting in the toilet of women, another fell over a colleague, and another and another kissed a colleague asked "to blink often the genes". Microsoft's spokesman said the company did not comment on the behavior of current and former employees, but attaches great importance to diversity and tolerance, which makes Microsoft to be ranked in the top 50 companies in which it is best to work in the UK.
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